Accounting & Finance

NetSuite X Cube

Get all your historical data in one place.



Money Bag Dollar

Close the books in record time

Easily analyze your transactions after syncing your chart of accounts.


Model and budget with ease

Import your historical data to budget and model in your preferred spreadsheet.


Get custom reporting at your fingertips

Create seamless custom reports for any situation with the Saved Search feature.

Welcome to FP&A without
the busy work

Get out of the data entry weeds and into the strategy.
Sign up for a free demo of Cube today.

Free demo

Cube gave us great flexibility with how we could manipulate reporting from our ERP, NetSuite. It allowed us to leverage spreadsheets that easily incorporate into our modeling & budgeting, which was an advantage over more rigid solutions.

G2_Logo_Red_RGB (1)

Tim, Account Manager

Why integrate NetSuite with Cube

  • Source data stored in the cloud

    Stop running long formulas in Microsoft Excel workbooks. Easily use the Cube API to pull NetSuite data into Microsoft Excel reports and eliminate giant data pulls. 

  • Group and organize data

    Grouping and mapping NetSuite data into Cube in a customized way allows the reporting process to perform much faster.

  • Create new data fields

    The sync from NetSuite to Cube allows you to seamlessly map new accounts, vendor codes, and more into new or existing Cube dimensions.


Frequently asked questions

  • What will a NetSuite and Cube integration allow me to do?

    ->Sync your Chart of Accounts via NetSuite’s API.
    ->Configure Saved Searches to identify which transactions to bring into Cube for analysis.
    -> Create multi-currency Saved Searches to bring your latest exchange rates into Cube by account.

  • What data can be transferred as part of a NetSuite and Cube integration?

    -> Standard Integration: Transactional data.
    -> Custom Integration: Transactions, operational data, inventory data, headcount data, and more.
    -> Detailed: Cube supports a detailed-level importer from NetSuite via a Saved Search using line-level details of financial.
    -> Consolidated: Cube supports a detailed level importer from NetSuite via a Saved Search set up to pull a consolidated data view.

    Plus any associated metadata!

  • Can the integration between NetSuite and Cube be customized to my specific business requirements?

    Certainly, for data categories and metadata (i.e., what kind of data you bring and how you structure it [your model + hierarchy]). Feel free to contact a team member to understand how this applies to both custom and standard integrations.

  • What's the typical setup time for a NetSuite and Cube integration?

    One to three weeks.

  • What do I need for this integration?

    -> Ability to write NetSuite Saved Search queries to load into Cube
    ->Data tie-out files
    -> Monthly P&L and balance sheets from your ERP
    -> Copy of your Chart of Accounts to set up dimension hierarchy
    -> DDesired mapping setup from the source system to your Cube hierarchies
    -> ERP privileges

See Cube in action