How Cube works

Fast-track your FP&A with Cube. Sync your data instantly, unlock valuable insights, and analyze business performance from the comfort of Excel and Google Sheets.


Scalable FP&A to guide the business forward


Get the data you need where you need it

Cube makes it simple to connect and map data from your existing tech stack, including your ERP, CRM, HRIS, business intelligence, and more.

Want to learn more?

integrations-mobile how it work card image connect


A central source of truth, modeled to fit your needs

Cube’s powerful engine centralizes your data and performs deep, on-the-fly calculations so you are always in control of the facts when driving business decisions.


Powerful calculations transform and organize your data automatically.



Track changes, configure your Cube experience, and ensure security parameters are met.



Add contributors and bring your team together, so everyone can access the data they need.


Welcome to FP&A without
the busy work

Get out of the data entry weeds and into the strategy.
Sign up for a free demo of Cube today.

Free demo


Work where you want. Hassle-free.

Excel, Google Sheets, or Cube—work how and where you want. Easily collaborate with stakeholders, build reports and dashboards with greater flexibility, and keep everyone on the same page.


Microsoft Excel

FP&A's native home. We know you love it and have made it easy for you to keep your existing workflows.


Google Sheets

If your collaborators prefer Google Sheets, no problem. Cube is agnostic, so no more copy-paste for you.


Report Builder

Share static reports like budgets and headcount directly from Cube to keep everyone aligned.

how it works- create dashboard (1)

Dashboard Creator

See and explore your data your way. Easily access, filter, and visualize data to make better decisions, faster.

See Cube in action